5 Demand Generation Strategies/Ideas For Your Business

5 Demand Generation Strategies/Ideas For Your Business

It’s easy to get attracted to a quick fix.

Anything that promises to make a big difference in a short amount of time with minimal effort is bound to gain attention.

To be sure, there are some solutions out there which will get results in the short run; more often than not, however, a sustainable approach will be far more effective in the long term.

Think about your current strategy for gaining more customers. Does it follow a quick fix pattern, or are you more focused on cultivating long term relationships?

content strategy

The long term solution is why demand generation is such an effective strategy.

It’s time to look at the basics of demand generation, how it can benefit your business, and the ideas that can help you along the way.

What is Demand Generation?

Defining demand generation is actually a bit of a challenge since no one can seem to settle on one definition.

And simply saying it generates demand for your product is a bit redundant.

Most explanations do tend to revolve around the same themes though.

Demand generation is all about developing a comprehensive approach using a variety of programs and strategies to create enthusiasm among your customers for your brand and product.

The terms demand generation and lead generation are also used interchangeably by many people, but there is a difference.

Think of lead generation as a subcategory of demand generation.

Lead generation also focuses more on collecting data on possible customers, which can then be used to help lead them down your sales funnel.

Demand generation programs, on the other hand, are used far more broadly.

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It all has to do with developing a long term strategy. It’s a gradual and comprehensive process that aims to delight customers and make them loyal to your brand and products.

Demand generation can be broken down into four areas.

The first is raising brand awareness, followed by inbound marketing, sales enablement, and finally ending with customer retention.

By encompassing all of these points, demand generation creates multiple opportunities to establish strong customer relationships that will last for years.

The Benefits of Demand Generation

The obvious advantage of using a demand generation strategy is the larger number of customers you’ll receive.

But the benefits of demand generation go beyond that.

For example, demand generation is a great way to find new customers, even in markets you might not have considered before.

Perhaps you’re focused on only one type of customer. Demand generation can help show you whole groups of customers you may be missing out on.

It can also help you promote new features that you have for your products.

Or you might use demand generation to re-engage with customers.

This is especially useful if you have customers who might not have bought from you recently.

As you can see from these benefits, demand generation can give you a boost in many different areas. All you have to do is put your strategies into practice.

Demand Generation Ideas

Now that you have a better grasp on what demand generation is, you’re probably looking for some good ideas that you can implement with your company.

Luckily, there are several strategies which may prove effective for you.

1. Podcasts

If you want to talk directly to your audience, why not start up a podcast?

Podcasts are a great way to talk about subjects and topics that surround your brand and product.

You wouldn’t necessarily talk directly about your company and items, but you would instead discuss the niche you have carved out for yourself.

This niche can be found after identifying the market and submarket related to your product.

making of podcasts

When you record your podcast, ask questions designed to get the audience to think.

Have deep conversations with your guests.

Invite guests that the audience might know who have an authoritative voice in your field.

The idea is to get your audience to trust you and look to you as a possible thought leader.

2. Blog Posts

Another way to reach more people is through writing a blog.

Your blog posts should revolve around your niche. It’s one of the ways you can differentiate yourself from others.

So let’s say your company is involved in the health market. That’s a start but think of all the health blogs out there.

You’d be writing in an already crowded ocean of content.

writing a blog post

Getting noticed that way is almost impossible.

That’s why you need to narrow down to a submarket and niche, much like your podcast.

By focusing on your niche, your blog post will reach people who would likely have an interest in your product.

Be consistent with your blog updates as well. Readers want to hear from you often — at least once a week, not every few months.

Develop creative habits that will help you keep writing content for your blog regularly with this guide to 36 Strategies That Will Help You Overcome Writers Block

3. Webinars

Webinars are relatively easy to produce but can lead to some big results as you make a connection with your audience.

Webinars also bring value to audiences at a time when people are specifically looking for value.

In order to generate more demand, webinars need to be a part of your strategy.

To get even more attention, you should also partner with some of the major players in your industry.

Get people your audience will know — those with a respected voice who people trust.

If you’ve ever wondered how to create a webinar, ClickFunnels has you covered.

We’ve already got a special guide for creating a webinar funnel as well as some tips for making a high converting webinar registration page.

And don’t miss out on The Perfect Webinar script from Russell Brunson.

4. Free Stuff

As part of a demand generation marketing strategy, why not give some of your stuff away?

This might be in the form of a free sample of your product. Or it might be a free trial or demo.

Whatever you choose, make sure it’s your best stuff. Too many companies give away outdated or inferior products to try to entice customers, and that just creates a bad impression.

By offering your best items for free, you help build more trust with the consumer.

And if you establish that trust, they’ll want to come back for more of what you offer.

Offering free stuff of value also means people will be willing to give you information about themselves.

This can help you reach out to them in the future as a more viable lead.

5. Email Marketing

Don’t overlook email marketing when it comes to generating demand.

The more focused and personalized the email you send out to your potential customers, the better the response rate will be.

That also means sending out a giant email blast won’t get the job done.

A great way to improve email marketing strategies is by split testing.

Make subtle changes to your emails and see which one gets better results.

Email marketing also gives you the chance to practice some of the other ideas listed here like offering free products to your audience.

You can read more about running successful email marketing campaigns by reading this article.

Start Generating Demand With ClickFunnels

These ideas are merely scratching the surface of possibilities, but they should prove effective at demand generation.

Generating demand is all about creating a connection with your most promising customers.

It’s a comprehensive approach that should include every part of your marketing strategy.

As you use ClickFunnels, you’ll be able to see demand generation in action.

If you’d like to get started, sign up for a free 14-day trial from ClickFunnels and see the results for yourself.

What kind of demand generation ideas have you tried? Which ones have gotten the best results? Tell us about them in the comments below.

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