5 Myths Uncovered About Writing Your Blog Posts

5 Myths Uncovered About Writing Your Blog Posts

Writing the blog posts for your company’s blog, or for your own blog for that matter, can be a daunting task. But you shouldn’t be afraid of it, because many of the legends and myths that are told as facts around the internet are just simply not true.

There’s a reason why sites like Upwork receive dozens of new job listings for writers every day, ranging from complex copywriting projects to some really simple tasks, such as writing a blog post.

Now I am not saying there aren’t any situations when you should hire a writer, quite the opposite actually, because I appreciate those people who play to their strengths and realize that they might not be the best at writing landing page copy for example.

By writing the blog posts yourself, not only can you guarantee the absolute best persona to your company image, whether that’s a funny or a serious one, but you can also save plenty of money too.

And as we all know, everybody likes to save money, especially in large amounts.

So let’s dive into the world of blog writing, and see if we can navigate through these five myths that will be uncovered and overturned right before your very eyes.

Myth #1 – “I’ll just write this article and Google will magically send me traffic”

No. Just, no.

Have you ever heard of SEO?

Search Engine Optimization?

Even SEO alone won’t drive you traffic, but it has a lot bigger impact on your organic traffic numbers.

Another medium to drive traffic to your blog is social media, so a Facebook page and a Twitter account might not be such a bad idea after all.

In today’s world you will find that the competition for each individual visitor is rather fierce, and you need to be aware of the game or you’ll automatically lose it.

The game is called marketing your blog and getting that precious qualified  traffic to it.

When you write that new article for your blog you really need to promote it like it was your last chance of success.

Share it on social media, email it to other blogs and publications in your niche and ask them to share it on social media or link to it in a blog article of theirs if they find it useful.

You might have heard of the saying ‘content is king’, and while it is true in many ways, it’s not true if one considers the saying to mean there’s no need to do anything else than write a brilliant blog piece.

The amount of promotion required is the reason why million dollar media companies constantly promote their content via paid advertising on social media and search engines.

Myth #2 – “This 700 word blog post is the perfect length to attract and retain visitors”

And once again, no.

Internet users feed on content.

Why else would sites like Buzzfeed, Huffington Post and Mashable receive millions upon millions of visitors, and see themselves being turned into media empires?

While it might be true that internet users tend to scan content more than read it, the scanning phase usually ends when they find an interesting headline and open the post up.

After opening the post all you need to do is keep your paragraphs nice and short with to the point information, and you’re golden.

That’s pretty much the same with books, you probably won’t read through every short description of books, but instead you’ll scan through the selection, ending up reading the description of one with an interesting title.

There’s a lot of arguing going on about what the ideal length for a blog post is, and even though I said it’s a myth that 700 words is the perfect length for a blog post, it might actually be true.

In some cases, which occur very rarely. The optimal length for each post depends entirely on the audience and the niche.

But I know you want an answer for your desperate question ‘how many words do I need then?’, and thus I suggest you to read the data driven answer to that very question for more precise information about the different article lengths.

Or if you’re just looking for a short, to the point answer, it’s around 1500 words according to statistics.

Neil Patel highlighted on QuickSprout,

A popular online journal ran the numbers on how shareable its content was from a length perspective. What the team discovered was that longer articles got shared more.

social shares

Once the word count exceeds 1,500 words, it’s in the golden share zone.

Myth #3 – “But I couldn’t possibly be a blogger, I’m not a professional writer!”


This time I will not say no, but instead I’ll say sure you can!

Look, I’m not a professional writer either, and yet here you are, reading what I’ve written here, in the ClickFunnels blog.

I am not saying you don’t need professional experience or some sort of expertize, but it doesn’t need to be about writing.

Instead, you should be experienced and well versed on the topic you’re covering in your blog.

That will give you a lot of leeway when it comes to being a fantastic writer or a not so fantastic one.

People are looking for your wisdom first, and entertaining content second.

I do have to warn you though, this one doesn’t apply to comedians.

Don’t say I didn’t warn you!

Myth #4 – “My company blog will only talk about my company, that way people will buy more from my company”

You really think so?

Blogging on your website or your company’s website can be super useful when looking for new ways to build traffic, authority and client relations, but the blog is not for bragging about your business.

The blog should be a resource in your niche, a helpful friend who will teach people about the industry and how it works.

For example, if you were a construction company, your blog could have a comparison between different construction materials for building houses.

That way, you could help your potential clients decide which material they want to use for their new house, all the while constructing your own reputation….see what I did there?

When the time comes to decide who will do the actual work in building the house, you will likely be the one they call.

So not only does giving value to your audience through your blog help your audience learn some great strategies but it positions your company as the ‘go-to’ authority within the industry.

If the value you’re putting out and circulating is of a high calibre, then you’ll have no problems exposing your work throughout the industry.

Myth #5 – “I don’t have time to blog”

It’s a common misconception amongst blogger potentials and hopefuls that you will have to write a new blog post every day, while the benefits could be seen already with a lot less work.

A HubSpot marketing study found that those B2B companies that had a blog with a post or two added each month generated 70% more leads than those companies without a blog.

What’s your reason not to write two articles a month in exchange for a 70% increase in leads?

Another factor to consider is the fun you’ll have while blogging.

Sure, writing a blog when you’ve got a full-time job might seem like the last thing you’d want to do when you get home, but it can be extremely rewarding.

By using your very own brain to create new content from thin air is an amazing feeling, especially after you see the results. If you’re stuck for time, here’s some ways to become more efficient in your blogging endeavors.

I’m always excited to see what the post looks like and how people respond to it after it goes live on the site.

Don’t treat blogging like it’s a job, treat it like the fun hobby it is.

After some time if you might start earning enough money from your blog to quit your cubicle job and start working for yourself.

Imagine waking up in the morning without a worry in sight, getting out of bed without any rush or ruckus, and sitting down in your favourite chair with your laptop in your lap, ready to write a new blog post.

After a few hours of writing about a topic you’re passionate about, you’re done for the day, and can choose to do whatever your mind desires.

That’s the sweet thing about being a blogger, you can choose what type of life you want to live.

The Aftermath

So i’ve explained to you both the financial benefits and personal benefits to blogging regularly for your business and how it can impact business growth.

You won’t need to look far to see how powerful blogging is and the community which you build alongside it.

Do you know any myths that many people take for granted, but you know aren’t true?

Share your experiences in the comment section and join us in helping new bloggers start without making the same mistakes so many before them have made.

If you’re looking to hire a copywriter, I suggest that you should give Funnel Scripts a try first. Using it will cut your writing time in half, be it for your headlines or your content. Here’s a walkthrough on how you can take Funnel Scripts to your advantage.

ClickFunnels Action Steps

Funnel Scripts Walkthrough

Step 1: Log in to your FunnelScripts account. If you’re not currently a Funnel Scripts user, you can pick up a copy here.

Step 2: You will see that there are a lot of scripts that Funnel Scripts can help you create. There’s even one for headlines which you can use!

Next, let’s get you acquainted with Funnel Scripts by walking you through the process.

How to Create Blog Headlines with Funnel Scripts

Step 1: Log in to your FunnelScripts account.

Step 2: Go to Killer Headline Scripts. You can watch the tutorial video or you can go ahead and skip it if you have experience.

Step 3: Fill in the information needed in the generator.

1. Enter your niche audience

2. Enter your main keyword topic

3. Enter your 2nd main keyword topic

4. Enter a result that your article will address that will appeal to your readers

5. Enter another result your article will address that will appeal to your readers

6. Enter the timeframe

7. Enter the action your readers want to take

8. Enter a problem your readers want to avoid

9. Enter a problem your readers want to solve

10. Enter a word that best describes what hinders your readers

Step 4: Click “Save” or “Submit”

After clicking “Save”, a text file will be downloaded immediately.

After Clicking “Submit”, you will be given several samples based on the information you entered.

Step 5: Select from the choices, then copy and paste to your article draft.

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6 thoughts on “5 Myths Uncovered About Writing Your Blog Posts

  1. amazing how quick and refreshing it always seems to be when you sit down shake off fear and he said she said and challenge yourself to something new

  2. Aloha Stephen,

    Thanks for a very informative & entertaining post – I can see why you’re the content marketing guy for ClickFunnels!

    One of my favorite myths – a half-truth actually – is “The money is in the list.”
    Yes, the money is in your list but only if…..you’ve taken very good care of your list. I’m learning how to relate and help my list members now…hopefully, if I do a real good job of this, I’ll begin to make a few sales!

    I’ll look for more of your posts,

  3. Hi Stephen,

    Thanks for the article. I was wondering if clickfunels can also have my blog as wordpress sites have blogs?

    If so, then my next questions are:
    – What is the difference of wordpress vs clickfunnels?
    – Should I move my whole site to clickfunels?
    – How can I build a full site through clickfunels?
    – Can I use google analytics with it?
    – Do I need the premium membership to do this?
    – What are the pros and cons of doing this?

    So I looked all over and was not able to find a piece of content that answered all my questions, that’s why they are here.

    Thank you in advance

    1. You can re-build a website in ClickFunnels page by page but don’t expect it to be a blogging platform, it very much is a landing page and marketing platform to sell online.

      I would stick with WordPress and using ClickFunnels as your marketing tool to sell online and drive leads. This website is using WordPress not CF for the record.