In this episode, Kathryn Jones introduces us to her concept called “together game,” where the success of one person is interconnected with the success of others.
She believes that rather than being competitive, we are designed to complement one another, and by supporting and collaborating, we can all thrive. This principle applies not only to business but also to family, relationships, and all areas of life.
Additionally, this episode delves into the value of partnerships and joint ventures in achieving success and making a positive impact. Kathryn emphasizes how partnerships can help individuals and businesses move better and faster together in all areas. She explains that audience owners, who seek money, status, and a sense of moral goodness, can benefit from partnering with someone who can elevate their status and assist their audience. By bringing in a partner who can help their audience progress, audience owners can feel a sense of doing good and enhance their reputation.
Kathryn also shares her own experience with partnerships and joint ventures, highlighting how she has achieved impressive results through strategic deal structures. She mentions securing not only a pitch but also a repitch, resulting in additional benefits ranging from 25 percent to 100 percent. This showcases the potential for partnerships to generate significant value and outcomes beyond what could be achieved individually.
Chris and Laura conclude by encouraging listeners to embrace unity and community, as it is through working together that we can truly achieve our goals and make a positive impact.
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